Bring the Magic from Live Events to Virtual-Conference and Exhibits


Bring the magic from live events to virtual with your conference & exhibits. Mission Impossible can become Mission Accomplie with these suggested virtual event platforms as your venue. Then, I will give you 8 ways to bring the magic to your conference & exhibits.

Here are your platforms:

  1. Pathable
  2. Virtway Events
  3. Event Farm

With having over 20 years' experience planning events and being certified in event management, here are my magical ideas for your conference and exhibits.

  1. Test your virtual platform. Test the mic, video and screen sharing capabilities.
  2. Repurpose or use existing content-if possible. Email content material to attendees so that their learning experience will be enhanced. Also email virtual posters.
  3. When your keynote and virtual speakers are talking, put up backgrounds from your sponsors.
  4. Have 2d/3d immersive, interactive expo show floor with booths.
  5. Have virtual hosted appointments with buyers.
  6. Have gamifications so that attendees will participate in the expo and attend meetings with exhibitors by letting them earn badges & points. Also, earning discounts with vendors.
  7. Facilitate attendee networking through private chat rooms, and video & audio chats.
  8. Keep distractions down by bringing fitness workouts virtually between sessions or a virtual dance party.

So, those are all my tips to having a magical virtual conference & exhibit!

In video #3, I will be talking about virtual incentives.





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