Reimagining Incentive Trips


This is video #3 of my 7-part video series.

Video #1- Postpone, cancel or convert to virtual events

Video #2 - Bring the magic to your virtual conference & exhibits

And in this video #3, I will talk about "How to reimagine your virtual incentive trips when going virtual".

Before I move on, I just want to say that some states are opening up around the country. I implore you to wear your mask and wash your hands often to help keep your family safe!

Now then...

As I said before in my 1st video, I'm passionate about the event industry. Being a Certified Event Planner with over 20 years' experience meant giving back to my industry. In my event industry groups, I volunteered, sat on committees but more importantly, I started mentoring other event planners and taught events at Prince George's Community College (PGCC). So, these videos would seem like a natural extension of giving back and teaching but it is not- well, not for me because I'm naturally an introvert. Doing these videos, they are not easy for me, but it is required of me.

So, let's jump into planning virtual incentives. Here are 3 virtual platforms to look at for planning virtual incentives:




A lot of incentive trips are canceled because we can't travel. So, I suggest selecting a theme for your virtual incentive based on where your trip would have been. Whether it was Hawaii, Vegas, the Caribbean or Mexico. Theme suggestions are Backyard Luau, 007 and Margaritaville.

After your theme is selected, then I want you to:

  1. Design your invitation. I always say when planning live events that the invitation is a window into the soul of your event, It's no different here. Set the tone for your virtual event.
  2. Plan fun games around your theme and have drinks that reflect your theme delivered to your attendees so that they can prepare those drinks ahead of time.
  3. Have a video message from the CEO and /or the head of the sales division. Make it imaginative & fun!
  4. Have a well-known artist to perform for the attendees and have dinner delivered beforehand to your attendees so they can have a dinner concert. Make the food the same type as your theme.
  5. Have gifts sent to the attendees after the event with each winner’s names, stats & bios. 

So, these are my 5 ways for reimagining your virtual incentives.

Don't forget to direct message me if you have any questions are need help with your virtual events.

In my next video, I will be discussing Virtual Meetings & Trainings.

Until next time…see you then!





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